Sunday, October 08, 2006

The path to Bournemouth is now open

As long as I can remember I have feel like an alien, no matter where or with who I have been. However, I think nothing I could feel before compares to that I’m planning to live next year. In my lazy time I thought, talked, wrote, read and listened people talking or singing in my mother tongue, and I have feel safe, comfortable, -even when I talk to someone in English or French or Italian- because I know that in cases of I can’t understand or make people understand what I mean, always I can speak in Spanish as last resource.
          Now I’m planning to study a Master of Arts in Journalism at UK. However, in order to get there I need a little bit than just send my application to the universities. As long as my pockets are not deep enough and my English is not as fluid as I whish, it’s up to the Alban scholarship to finance my studies and it’s up to me to pass the IELTS test in order to be accepted in the University.


Andrés David said...

Feeling like an outsider is something I can relate to. It's something that, I'm now sure, will never completely go away. I used to think only certain priviliged individuals felt that way and that I met most of them. However, I think now that it's a trait of human beings, possibly because the gap of understanding among ourselves is so wide and, sometimes, so frightening.

Handled wisely, such feeling can be a powerful driving force. Unwisely, it will cripple you.

Anonymous said...

What happen with this blog? How's going on with that path to your dreams?

Anonymous said...

Hey boy!!

No clue you were planning to study in UK. My deepest congratulations for your impetu.. It is true you will need to work a bit more than hard trying to get a good IELTS, writting a proper and mature essay for University, explaining what makes you clever enough to qualify for a scholarship... Anyway....
Go ahead Mezita!!!you´ve got everything to reach this goal!!! My very best wishes..